Facebook Messenger adds iOS 8 extension, WordPress gains WYSIWYG editor …

Facebook is out with a useful update to its Messenger app for iPhone and iPad today adding an action extension for sharing content from other apps on iOS 8. This adds the ability to have deep Facebook Messenger integration with other apps including Safari and Photos just like Apple’s own Messages app.

Once enabled, you can do things like share images and videos from the Photos app or links from Safari directly to your contacts on Facebook Messenger without having to jump back and forth between apps. Facebook Messenger version 22.0 is rolling out now on the App Store.

WordPress’s mobile blogging app for iPhone and iPad also received a new update bringing the experience closer to that on the desktop … 

Added in version 4.8, WordPress for iOS now features a WYSIWYG, or what you see is what you get, visual editor for previewing content of a blog post on-the-go as you create it. Previously, a separate preview window was required to see content like images in-line with text.

The WordPress also includes the ability to edit image settings for blog posts and pages, another feature borrowed from the desktop, and failed image uploads can easily be attempted after an error message is delivered.

WordPress version 4.8 is also now available for free on the App Store.

iOS 8 Roundup: The latest apps with extensions and Touch IDsupport

iOS 8 Roundup: The latest apps with extensions and Touch ID support

Facebooks now required Messenger gets full screen videos andimages

Facebook’s now required Messenger gets full screen videos and images

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7 Responses to “Facebook Messenger adds iOS 8 extension, WordPress gains WYSIWYG editor image features”

  1. Miroslav Mirek Bujna (@miroslavbujna) says:

    They screwed up the Messenger with their last update! When I read and reply to my massages on computer, of course they need to load when I connect my iPhone to the Internet. But why does it have to do as many beeps as many messages I got on the computer that are already read? This was happening on Android and I was laughing about it because it’s pure stupid and now they screwed up the iOS app. WTF?


  2. Jonathan (@Jon889) says:

    From the screenshots, this doesn’t look like an iOS 8 extension but the Open In… feature iOS has had for several years.


    • Andrew Messenger says:

      the share sheet is where iOS 8 extensions appear. Facebook Messenger has previously not been available as a share option.


  3. The Butcher says:

    Reblogged this on pundit from another planet.


  4. derlinzer says:

    Sharing with Facebook Messenger only works from Photos and Safari – any idea if this Facebook’s or Apple’s fault? iOS’s own Messages is available everywhere…


  5. derlinzer says:

    …as is Evernote, Pinterest etc.


Article source: http://9to5mac.com/2015/02/24/facebook-messenger-extension-wordpress-wysiwyg/

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